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move_base 模块

Published: 2020-03-15

整体模块 #

  1. odometry source: 里程计用来提供高频率的概略初始位姿;
  2. sensor sources: 机器人或无人车中,包含大量可用于定位的传感器:相机、激光、毫米波雷达等;
  3. map_server: 用激光SLAM手段,如 LOAMGMapping 建立高精度地图;
  4. amcl: 结合传感器与高精度地图,实现 蒙特卡洛定位

规划和控制 #

  1. Global Planner

  2. Local Planner

  3. Recovery Behavior

    • clear_costmap_recovery: A recovery behavior that reverts the costmaps used by move_base to the static map outside of a user-specified range
    • rotate_recovery: A recovery behavior that perfroms a 360 degree rotation of the robot to attempt to clear out space.

其他 #

  1. Cost Map

  2. Robot Pose EKF

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